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   Toccata No. 2
Toccata No. 2 Strap on your seat belts for a romp through this original composition. The music clips along at a quarter = 180, the meter frequently changes from single to compound, the key signature changes four times, mallets get a workout, and chromatic harmonies abound! Once your advance ringers have conquered this piece, they'll be sure to say - along with the audience - "What a ride!" Measures total 181.
 Composer:McChesney, Kevin
 Less than a full Handbell Choir: N/A
 Classification:Church or Concert Concert Original Composition Secular 
 Technique:Pl (Pluck)  Mallet  TD (Thumb Damp)  RT (Ring Touch)  
 Voicing: Handbells, No Choral  
 Instrument: N/A  
 Season: N/A  
 Bells Used: Five Octaves(61)   Six Octaves(71)   Seven Octaves(84)  
 Stock Number: MJHS9408   5-7 oct HB