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   Down Memory Lane - Part 6
Down Memory Lane - Part 6 The "Down Memory Lane" series is a medley of tunes intended for senior citizens but usable by any group. The collections are great for recreation or secular part of a handbell program. This collection includes spirituals and therefore might be appropriate for a church or secular performance. Measures total 91.
 Arranger:Merrett, F.
 Less than a full Handbell Choir: N/A
 Classification:Church or Concert Spiritual Medley Hymn Tune 
 Technique:Sk (Shake)  RT (Ring Touch)  
 Voicing: Handbells, No Choral  
 Instrument: Handbells OR Chimes  
 Season: N/A  
 Bells Used: Two Octaves(22)  
 Stock Number: MJHM19  
MJHM20   3-5 octaves